American Abstract Artist

Explore Maurice Golubov Artwork



“Abstraction Became My Personal Realism”
“What is most interesting about Golubov’s space is not its density nor its complication, but its psychological impact upon the viewer. His art belongs to a much older conception, where projection and symbolic form are possible vehicles for expanded experience. His is not a halting step-by-step progress but a leap into a state of complexity…”
– Susan C. Larsen, Expanded Spaces

“I was self-taught in my painting, which might be described as realistic, expressionistic, abstract, non-objective and surrealistic…I was trying to reconcile all these tendencies into one dish, as if to merge all streams into one river.”
Maurice Golubov

“Golubov’s abstract paintings often remind of that simple yet profound pleasure I have when I drop pebbles into a summer’s still, reflective pond, and watch the ripples pulsing toward shore.”
— John Yau, Some Motifs in Maurice Golubov’s Life and Work



“Golubov, it seems, would like to add, if ever so slightly to the brain’s capacity for receiving vibrations, and in so doing reveal an aspect of ‘the Absolute.'”
John Ashbery, From Russia with Golubov